
なお、米国のホリデーには New Year's Day|1/1, Martin Luther King Day|1月第3 月曜, Groundhog Day|2/2, Valentine's Day|2/14, Washington's Birthday|2月第 3 月曜, Easter|Christian holiday で春分の後の最初の満月の次に来る 日曜日, Mother's Day|1月第 2 日曜, Memorial Day|5月最終月曜, Father's Day|6月第 3 日曜, Independence Day|7/4, Labor Day|9月第 1 月曜, Columbus Day|10月第 2 月曜, Halloween|10/31, Veterans Day|11/11, Thanksgiving Day (11月第 4 木曜), Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (12/7), Christmas Day (12/25) などがある。また、ユダヤ人のホリデーは Rosh Hashanah|New Year、Yom Kippur|つぐないの日), Hanukkah|Christmas time など。
We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving.
May this holiday season bring to you and your family all of the joy and happiness that you deserve.
We want to extend to each and everyone of you our warmest wishes for the coming holiday season.
May your Christmas (and Hanukkah) season be filled with happiness and joy, followed by a most wonderful New Year.
Please accept our very best wishes to you, your family, and your employees for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We thank you for your patronage and for allowing us to be of service to you. HAPPY NEW YEAR.